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junk n. old useless things 垃圾


You should get rid of all the old junk in the room. 你該把室內的所有破爛清除掉。

junk food 垃圾食品junk mail垃圾郵件junk market廢舊品市場

nothing but junk in the annual report.年度報告中除了一些廢話什麼都沒有

fat n. a substance like oil which is used in cooking脂肪;油脂 obese,stout

They have a lot of fat under their skin. 它們的皮膚下面有很多脂肪。fat salary高薪

vitamin n. any one of several chemical substances necessary for health維生素,維他命

Oranges contain vitamin C. 橘子含有維生素C。

snack a small meal; a little food n. 快餐,小吃snack bar I'm not hungry but I'd like a snack. 我並不餓,不過我倒喜歡來點小吃。He feels like a snack. 他想吃點

stomach n. place in the body where food goes when one eats it 胃;肚子stomach ache What a stomach he has got! 他真是一個大腹便便的人! a loaded stomach 吃得很飽

fever n. an illness when you have a high temperature發燒;發熱

He has a fever and a temperature of 38.5 degree. 他發燒,體温38.5攝氏度。

n. (usu. a fever) a highly excited state; great excitement(通常指)狂熱;激動

I am in a fever of excitement. 我十分興奮。disco fever.迪斯高熱 flu fever China fever

salad n. cold vegetables or fruit mixed together 色拉(西餐中的涼拌菜)

A dish consisting of green, leafy raw vegetables, often with radish, cucumber, or tomato, served with a dressing.沙拉:由綠色有葉生菜製成的一道菜,常加有蘿蔔、黃瓜或西紅柿,並加調味品食用 A cold dish of chopped fruit, meat, fish, eggs, or other food, usually prepared with a dressing, such as mayonnaise.涼拌食品:由切碎的水果、肉、魚、蛋或其它食物組成的涼菜,常配有調料,如蛋黃醬 salad oil apple salad fruit salad

peach n. round, juicy fruit with a yellow red skin桃子 peach blossom桃花

受人喜歡的人;受人喜歡的物;美女What a peach of a study!多好的一間書房!

Mother put the peaches in her basket. 母親把桃(子)放在籃子裏。

ripe adj. ready for picking and eating熟的;成熟的

Autumn is a busy season, and the crops are ripe. 秋季是繁忙的季節,莊稼成熟了。

The time is ripe for great societal changes.社會大變革的時機已經成熟了


ripe judgment.成熟老練的判斷Advanced in years:年富的,年高的:the ripe age of 90.九十歲

ought v. aux. should, must (showing that it is your duty to do something)應當;應該

ought to 應當;應該This work ought to be done at once. 這項工作應當馬上就做。

examine vt. look at something or someone carefully檢查;細看

All the machines will be examined. 所有機器都將檢查一遍。examine an account

檢查帳目examine a patient.診察患者

plenty n.[u] a large number; as much as you need 充足;大量;豐富

live in plenty生活富裕I have plenty to do. 我有很多事要做 plenty of 許多;大量的。plenty of time take plenty of healthy exercise多作有益健康的活動

energy n. power to do a lot of work精力 He has much energy. 他精力充沛。

n. force or power to make things, machines, etc. move or work能,能量

The light energy comes from the sun. 光能來自太陽。

精神,力氣:精力或能力的耗用:a project requiring a great deal of time and energy.


Vitality and intensity of expression:充滿活力和激情的表述:

a speech delivered with energy and emotion.一個充滿力量及激情的演説

Usable heat or power:熱能源,電能:可用的熱量或能量:

Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the world's energy.


Physics The capacity of a physical system to do work.【物理學】 能量,能:物理系統做功的容量能力n.attributive.(定語名詞)

energy conservation; energy efficiency; an energy czar.


soft adj. with no alcohol不含酒精的 Lemonade is a soft drink. 檸檬水是一種不含酒精的飲料a soft economy疲軟的經濟;。

bar n. a relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material條;棒a bar of chocolate

障礙;阻礙物His bad English is a bar to his using new computer software. (喻)

他的英語很差,這是他運用新電腦軟件的一個障礙。behind bars: in prison在監獄服刑

fuel n. wood, coal, oil, etc. that you burn to make heat or power燃料;營養物

Coal, oil, wood and gas are fuels. 煤炭,石油,木柴和煤氣都是燃料。nuclear fuel

diet n. usual food飲食;食物,特種飲食go on a diet節食

Cows have a diet of grass. 牛的食物是草。

vt., vi.節食;吃限定食物The doctor has dieted the patient strictly.醫生嚴格規定病人的飲食。

"No sugar in my coffee, please; I'm dieting."

calorie n. (=calory) 卡路里;卡(熱量單位)表示在一個大氣壓下將1克水從某標準起始温度加熱到温度升高1=C所需的加熱量,She's on a low - calorie diet.

她只吃低熱量的東西。What is your daily intake of calories?你每天攝取的熱量是多少?

keep up with walk or drive as fast as another person or thing so that you are together跟上

She had to run to keep up with them. 她得跑着才能跟上他們。

Are wages keeping up with inflation?工資跟得上通貨膨脹嗎?

pace n.[c] step步;步調 He stepped backward a pace or two. 他後退了一兩步。

keep pace(常與with連用)跟上,與…同步;並駕齊驅

Are wages keeping pace with inflation?

make a choice choose 做出選擇

There were so many cakes that it was difficult to make a choice.


nutrient n. a source of nourishment, especially a nourishing ingredient in a food

營養物 adj. providing nourishment 有營養的

nutrition n. nourishment營養

nutritious adj. 有營養的

protein n. body building substance essential to good health in such foods as milk, eggs蛋白質 Protein is the base of life. 蛋白質是生命的基礎。protein compounds; protein diets.蛋白質化合物;蛋白質豐富的膳食

muscle n. that part of flesh which can be tightened and loosened to move parts of the body肌肉 When we walk, we exercise our leg muscles. 我們走路時,鍛鍊腿上的肌肉。

bean n. a vegetable seed we can eat 豆

calcium n.鈣

dairy n. 牛奶場;乳製品dairy products

product n. a thing which is produced a result or work or growth產品;成果

Coffee is Brazil's main product. 咖啡是巴西的主要產物。

〈數〉積The product of 3 and 7 is 21.三和七的乘積是二十一。

carbohydrate n. a substance made up of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon, such as sugar碳水化合物(如糖)Sugars and starchier are carbohydrates. 糖和澱粉是碳水化合物。

fiber n. 纖維;纖維製品 synthetic fiber 合成纖維

mineral n.[c] coal, tin, ore, gold, etc, that comes from under the ground 礦物,礦石

Coal and iron are minerals. 煤和鐵都是礦物。mineral waters 礦泉水

function v. work, run起作用;運行

I couldn't ring you because the phone wasn't functioning.我沒法給你打電話,因為電話機壞了。

n. special work done by someone or something功能;作用

The function of the heart is to send blood round the body. 心臟的功能就是向全身輸送血液。

vegetarian n.[c] 素食 (主義) 者

a strict vegetarian 嚴格的素食主義者(不僅不吃魚、肉類,連蛋、牛奶、奶油也不吃)

vegan: [英]嚴格的素食主義者

Yoghurt [XjCgRt] n. 酸奶

eco-food XIkRuX n. 生態食品eco- 表示“環境、生態、生態學的”之義

ecoclimate [生]生態氣候

organic adj. of or relating to the compounds of carbon有機的

organic chemistry 有機化學 樸實的:簡單的、健康的和接近自然的:

an organic lifestyle.樸真的生活方式

chemical n. a chemical product化學制品

Edison planted vegetables in his garden and sold them to buy chemicals.


adj. of chemistry化學的

This change of state is a physical change and not a chemical one.


balance v. make or keep something steady, so it does not fall; stay steady(使)平衡

Can you balance yourself on skates? 你穿冰鞋能保持平衡嗎?

n. when two sides are the same; being steady平衡

the balance of nature 生態平衡

supplement n / v. 增補;補充Sunday supplement

She gives private lessons to supplement her income

fit adj. healthy健康 adj. suited for合適

Keep fit, study hard and work well. 身體好,學習好,工作好。

The weather is not fit to go out in. 這種天氣不宜外出。

unit n. one person, one thing; one group單位;單元

The family is often taken as the unit of society. 家庭通常被認為是社會的組成單位。

digest v. change (food) into a state in which the body can use it消化

Food is digested in the stomach. 食物在胃裏消化了。

gain v. get sth. more, not to lose增加;獲得 No gains without pains.

The masses gain experience through struggle. 羣眾通過鬥爭可以取得經驗。

sleepy adj. tired; wanting to sleep睏乏的;瞌睡的

I feel sleepy,so I'm going to bed. 我感到睏倦,要去睡覺了。

refuel v. 補給燃料;補充能量

now and then now and again; occasionally 時而;不時at times often

brain n.[c] the grey substance in the head, with which one thinks腦

The brain is the organ of thought. 大腦是思維器官。

n.[c] mind; intelligence 頭腦(常用複數)He's got brains.

I wish I had your brains. 但願我有你那個(好)腦筋。

(pl)(前面與the連用)一組聰明人the best brains in the country全國精英

peel vt. 剝皮;去皮 n.[u] 水果 [蔬菜 (等) ] 的皮

peel a banana [potatoes] 剝香蕉 [削馬鈴薯] 的皮

orange [lemon] peel 桔子 [檸檬] 的皮

recipe n. 烹飪法;食譜,訣竅:達到期望之目的的方式或方法:

a recipe for success.成功的訣竅

roll-up n. 卷;卷狀食品

roll up make or put into the form of a roll; take the form of a cylinder of ball (使)成卷形

Rolling up his trousers, he worked with the others in the fields.


tasty adj. good to eat美味的;可口的 delicious,yummy

This fish is very tasty. 這魚很可口。

ingredient n. one of the parts of a mixture成份;配料

Eggs are the main ingredients of omelets. 煎蛋卷的主要成份是雞蛋。

mushroom n. [c] 蘑菇;菌類植物

chop vt. cut into very small pieces; cut roughly剁碎 vt. cut by striking with a knife, axe, etc.砍chop wood into pieces 把木頭劈碎 chop down a tree 把樹枝砍倒

steam vt. cook something in steam蒸煮 vi. give out steam蒸發

Shall we steam or fry the fish? 這魚我們是蒸還是炸?steam engine 蒸汽機

The kettle was steaming on the stove. 爐子上的壺正在冒熱氣。

boil vt. cook something in very hot water煮

She boiled rice in the kitchen. 她在廚房裏煮飯。

vi. to become hot and change from liquid to gas沸;開

When water boils, it changes into steam. 水沸騰時就變成蒸汽。

make sb.'s blood boil使某人怒氣沖天

The watch pot never boil. 性急燒水水不沸。

bacon n. 鹹肉;燻肉bring home the bacon獲得成功Bacon

lettuce n. 萵苣use lettuce in a salad 用萵苣做色拉

mixture n.[c] group or mass of different things混合物(體)

Air is a mixture of gases. 空氣是各種氣體的混合物。

spoonful n.[c] 一湯匙 (的量) [of] a spoonful of salt 一湯匙鹽

slice vt. cut something into slices切成片Mother sliced the loaf. 把麪包切成了薄片。

n. thin piece that one cuts off bread, meat, or other food 片;薄片;切片

Please cut a slice of bread for me. 請給我切一片面包。

dice v. 把……切成小方塊 n. 小方塊 v擲骰子賭博Arther diced himself into debt.


stir vt. move a spoon, etc, round and round to mix something攪拌;攪起

Have you stirred your tea? 你的茶攪和過了嗎?“stirred the deeper fibers of my nature”(Oscar Wilde)“觸動到我深層的本性

Unit 14 Festivals

Words and expressions

theme n. subject; something to talk or write about, etc.主題;題目subject

What is the theme of the opera? Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk.

theme park (遊樂園中的)主題樂園theme song主題歌, 信號曲

dress up wear one's best clothes 盛裝;打扮

Let's dress up and go out to the theatre. 我們穿戴整齊到戲院看戲吧。

They dressed their children up for the New Year's Day. 他們給孩子們穿上好衣服過新年。

parade n. a procession; a march for display 遊行

make a parade of one's virtues炫耀自己的優點

The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.


v.列隊行進The soldiers paraded through the town.士兵列隊行進通過城鎮。

誇耀parade one's skill炫耀自己的技術He is always parading his wealth / his knowledge.


Arabic adj. 阿拉伯人的Arabian nights 天方夜譚, 一千零一夜的故事

holy adj. 神聖的the Holy Bible聖經

Easter n.[u] 復活節The day on which this feast is observed, the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21.

symbol n. mark, sign or picture that shows something象徵;符號;記號

The letter "V" is a symbol of victory. 字母“V”是勝利的象徵。

bunny n. 兔子(兒語) A rabbit, especially a young one

fighting n.[u] 戰鬥;打仗

Fighting broke out between the North and the South. 南北兩方發生了戰爭。

conflict n. a fight; a struggle爭鬥;戰爭

He was wounded in the conflict. 他在戰鬥中負傷。

n. a clash between ideas, feelings, etc.; a disagreement衝突

conflict of interest利益衝突

It is in conflict with the provisions of the existing treaty. 這與本條約的有關規定相牴觸。

argument n. quarrel; fight; tk between people with different ideas辯論;爭論

After a long argument, we decided where to go for our holiday.


This argument, however, does not hold water.但是,這種觀點是站不住腳的。

説服We must settle this by argument not by fighting.


destruction n.[u] breaking something totally毀滅;破壞

The strong earthquake left death and destruction behind it.


opinion n.[c] what you think about something or somebody 意見;看法

My opinion is different from yours. 我的看法與你的不同。

Public opinion was against the old feudal system.公眾輿論反對舊的封建制度。

in one’s opinion 按照某人的看法

major adj. bigger; most important; very great主要的;重大的,主修的,adj. a major artist.主要的藝術家a major improvement.卓越的進步a linguistics major.專修語言學的學生

vi.主修 (與in連用)(在大學裏)主修

probably adv. most likely很可能

Do you think you can do it? Well, probably I can.你認為你能幹這個嗎?哦,我很可能幹得了。

honour vt. 尊敬;給以榮譽

Would you honor us by sharing our dinner tonight? 今晚你是否肯賞光與我們一道用餐?

I have the honor to present the governor.我很榮幸能介紹我們的州長

graduated with honors.以優等成績畢業

貞節,貞操to lose one's honor喪失貞操

He's an honor to his parents.他的父母以他為榮。

do the honors盡地主之誼,作東

ancestor n.[c] forefather祖先;祖宗

John is descended from noble ancestors. 約翰為名門後裔。

principle n. rule for living原則;原理

We should follow the principle of seeking truth. 我們要遵循實事求是的原則。

unity n. the state of being a united whole團結;統一

Unity is strength. 團結就是力量。

community n. group of people who live in one place, have the same interests, etc.團體;社區

New quay is a fishing community. 紐基是一個漁業社區。

nation n. a country with one government國家

All nations, big or small, should be equal. 國家不分大小,應一律平等。

n. a large group of people with the same race and culture 民族

The Chinese nation is brave and hardworking. 中華民族是勤勞勇敢的。

self-determination Xself n. determination of one's own fate 自主;自我決定

purpose n. plan; intention; what you are going to do目的;意圖 on purpose

'What was the purpose of your journey to London?' ‘你去倫敦的目的是什麼?’

creativity n. 創造力;創造性

faith n.[u] feeling sure that you can trust someone or something信任;信仰

Have you any faith in what he says? 你相信他所説的話嗎?

commercial adj. having to do with trade or business商業的

joy n.[u] great pleasure happiness; gladness快樂;高興

It brings joy twofold you. 這真是雙喜臨門。

light v. give light to something so that you can see it clearly照亮;照明

(lighted, lit; lighted, lit) This room is lighted by electricity. 這個房間用電照明。

v. make something start to burn or shine 點燃

He struck a match and lit the lamp. 他擦着一根火柴把燈點着。

similar adj. alike; almost the same相似的;類似的

Rats and mice are similar animals. 大老鼠和小老鼠是類似的動物。

generation n. all the people who were born at about the same time一代人

The older generation doesn't like pop music. 老一輩的人不喜歡流行音樂。

play a trick on unkind game to make someone look silly 捉弄

The boys hid Jone’s bike to play a trick on him. 孩子們把喬恩的自行車藏起來捉弄他。

salute vi. 敬禮

The young soldier saluted awkwardly. 那名年輕士兵笨拙地敬禮。

kiss v. touch someone with your lips to show your love or to say hello or goodbye吻

Rosalind kissed her mother good night. 羅莎琳德吻了一下母親祝她晚安。

n. touch with the lips吻 She gave her mother a kiss. 她吻了她母親一下。

cheek n.[c] part of the face below the eye and to the side of the nose面頰;臉蛋

Tears streamed (=ran) down her cheeks. 眼淚從她的兩頰流下。

nod v. make a short, sharp downward movement with a head, as a sign of greeting, consent, approval, or the like點頭(表招呼,贊同等)

He nodded to his friends. 他向他的朋友點頭。n. an act of nodding the head點頭

He gave me a nod as we passed each other in the street

celebration n. an act or occasion of celebrating慶祝;慶祝會

The day deserves a celebration. 這個日子值得慶賀。

reminder n. 提醒物;暗示

respect vt. to show honour towards; admire尊敬;尊重

Our teacher is highly respected by all. 我們的老師極受大家的尊敬。

with respect to談到with respect to the recent flood談到最近的洪水

in all respects無論從哪方面來看 without respect to不管;不考慮

skeleton n.[c] bone frame in the body of an animal or person骨骼;骨架

She is reduced almost to a skeleton by long illness. 她因長期生病骨瘦如柴。

skeleton in (one's) closet

A source of shame or disgrace, as in a family, that is kept secret.家醜

gift n. present; something that you give to someone禮物

It is a gift for my brother. 這是給我兄弟的禮物。 n. a natural power天賦

He has a gift for foreign languages. 他有外語天才。

cycle n. a period of time in which a series of events happens as if in a circle週期;循環

A cycle of the sun takes a year. 太陽循環週期需要一年。

vi. ride a bicycle 騎自行車 Do you like cycling? 你喜歡騎自行車嗎?

fool n.[c] someone who is stupid or does something silly蠢人;傻子

What a fool you were! 你真是個大傻瓜!

v. trick someone and make him believe something that is not true愚弄;欺騙

You can't fool me! I don't believe you. 你騙不了我!我不相信你。

take in trick someone 欺騙 receive as a guest or an employee 吸收

I am not to be taken in by your lies. 你的謊言騙不了我。

invitation n. the act of inviting 邀請

I received an invitation to her birthday party. 我收到了她生日宴會的請帖。

occasion n.[c] special time(重大的)時刻;場合

on occasion =Occasionally once in a while from time to time

A wedding is a big family occasion. 婚禮是家庭中的一件大事。

n.[c] a certain time, time when something happens機會;時機

I'll speak to him on the first occasion. 一有機會,我就告訴他。

Mardi Gras [XmA:di XgrA:] an occasion of great festivity and merrymaking


Ramadan [ZrBmRXdBn] n. the ninth month of the year in the Moslem calendar 齋月

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